Get your previously Mixed down tracks Mastered for video or upload to your favorite digital platforms.
Delivery time for this service: 1-3 business days per song (To know exact delivery times for 2 or more songs with this service, please contact us)
Change the quantity according to the amount of tracks you want to master.
Use this service if you want traditional mastering, this means that you’ll provide a unique file. We recommend this service if you have mixed your production very well. Otherwise use our audio mixing and stem mastering services.
Stereo mastering is fully targeted to artists with perfect mixdowns to get the best results. Make sure you spend many hours in the studio EQing and mixing your track.
- .wav 24 bit 44.1 kHz (or better)
- .aiff 24 bit 44.1 kHz (or better)
- .mp3 files (even though it is 320 Kbps)
- any other compressed file format
Mastering - Primordial Sound Client rate
Mastering of a 2-channel Stereo track.